Source code for nannyml.performance_calculation.metrics.binary_classification

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0
import warnings
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, roc_auc_score

from nannyml._typing import ProblemType
from nannyml.base import _list_missing, _remove_nans
from nannyml.chunk import Chunk, Chunker
from nannyml.exceptions import InvalidArgumentsException
from nannyml.performance_calculation.metrics.base import Metric, MetricFactory
from nannyml.sampling_error.binary_classification import (
from nannyml.thresholds import Threshold, calculate_threshold_values

[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='roc_auc', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationAUROC(Metric): """Area under Receiver Operating Curve metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new AUROC instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ super().__init__( name='roc_auc', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('ROC AUC', 'roc_auc')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "roc_auc" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred_proba], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = auroc_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_proba_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred_proba], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Redefine to handle NaNs and edge cases.""" _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred_proba], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred_proba] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return auroc_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='f1', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationF1(Metric): """F1 score metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new F1 instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ super().__init__( name='f1', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('F1', 'f1')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "f1" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = f1_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Redefine to handle NaNs and edge cases.""" _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return f1_score(y_true, y_pred) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return f1_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='precision', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationPrecision(Metric): """Precision metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Precision instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ super().__init__( name='precision', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('Precision', 'precision')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "precision" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = precision_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return precision_score(y_true, y_pred) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame): return precision_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='recall', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationRecall(Metric): """Recall metric, also known as 'sensitivity'. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Recall instance.""" super().__init__( name='recall', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('Recall', 'recall')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "recall" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = recall_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return recall_score(y_true, y_pred) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame): return recall_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='specificity', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationSpecificity(Metric): """Specificity metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new F1 instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ super().__init__( name='specificity', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('Specificity', 'specificity')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "specificity" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = specificity_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel() return tn / (tn + fp) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame): return specificity_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='accuracy', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationAccuracy(Metric): """Accuracy metric. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Accuracy instance.""" super().__init__( name='accuracy', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[('Accuracy', 'accuracy')], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "accuracy" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = accuracy_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " f"Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel() return (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame): return accuracy_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='business_value', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationBusinessValue(Metric): """Business Value metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, business_value_matrix: Union[List, np.ndarray], normalize_business_value: Optional[str] = None, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Business Value instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. business_value_matrix: Union[List, np.ndarray] A 2x2 matrix that specifies the value of each cell in the confusion matrix. The format of the business value matrix must be specified as [[value_of_TN, value_of_FP], \ [value_of_FN, value_of_TP]]. Required when estimating the 'business_value' metric. normalize_business_value: Optional[str], default=None Determines how the business value will be normalized. Allowed values are None and 'per_prediction'. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ if normalize_business_value not in [None, "per_prediction"]: raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"normalize_business_value must be None or 'per_prediction', but got {normalize_business_value}" ) super().__init__( name='business_value', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, threshold=threshold, components=[('Business Value', 'business_value')], ) if business_value_matrix is None: raise ValueError("business_value_matrix must be provided for 'business_value' metric") if not (isinstance(business_value_matrix, np.ndarray) or isinstance(business_value_matrix, list)): raise ValueError( f"business_value_matrix must be a numpy array or a list, but got {type(business_value_matrix)}" ) if isinstance(business_value_matrix, list): business_value_matrix = np.array(business_value_matrix) if business_value_matrix.shape != (2, 2): raise ValueError( f"business_value_matrix must have shape (2,2), but got matrix of shape {business_value_matrix.shape}" ) self.business_value_matrix = business_value_matrix self.normalize_business_value: Optional[str] = normalize_business_value # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "business_value" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._sampling_error_components = business_value_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], business_value_matrix=self.business_value_matrix, normalize_business_value=self.normalize_business_value, ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.shape[0] == 0: warnings.warn(f"'{self.y_true}' contains no data, cannot calculate business value. Returning NaN.") return np.NaN tp_value = self.business_value_matrix[1, 1] tn_value = self.business_value_matrix[0, 0] fp_value = self.business_value_matrix[0, 1] fn_value = self.business_value_matrix[1, 0] bv_array = np.array([[tn_value, fp_value], [fn_value, tp_value]]) cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) if self.normalize_business_value == 'per_prediction': with np.errstate(all="ignore"): cm = cm / cm.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) cm = np.nan_to_num(cm) return (bv_array * cm).sum() def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return business_value_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='confusion_matrix', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_BINARY) class BinaryClassificationConfusionMatrix(Metric): """Confusion Matrix metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[str] = None, y_pred_proba: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Confusion Matrix instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[str], default=None Determines how the confusion matrix will be normalized. Allowed values are None, 'all', 'true' and 'predicted'. y_pred_proba: Optional[str], default=None Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. """ super().__init__( name='confusion_matrix', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, threshold=threshold, components=[ ('True Positive', 'true_positive'), ('True Negative', 'true_negative'), ('False Positive', 'false_positive'), ('False Negative', 'false_negative'), ], lower_threshold_limit=0, ) self.upper_threshold_value_limit: Optional[float] = 1.0 if normalize_confusion_matrix else None self.normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[str] = normalize_confusion_matrix # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "confusion_matrix"
[docs] def fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame, chunker: Chunker): """Fits a Metric on reference data. Parameters ---------- reference_data: pd.DataFrame The reference data used for fitting. Must have target data available. chunker: Chunker The :class:`~nannyml.chunk.Chunker` used to split the reference data into chunks. This value is provided by the calling :class:`~nannyml.performance_calculation.calculator.PerformanceCalculator`. """ self._fit(reference_data) # Calculate alert thresholds reference_chunks = chunker.split( reference_data, ) ( self.true_positive_lower_threshold, self.true_positive_upper_threshold, ) = self._calculate_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( metric_name='true_positive', reference_chunks=reference_chunks, ) ( self.true_negative_lower_threshold, self.true_negative_upper_threshold, ) = self._calculate_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( metric_name='true_negative', reference_chunks=reference_chunks, ) ( self.false_positive_lower_threshold, self.false_positive_upper_threshold, ) = self._calculate_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( metric_name='false_positive', reference_chunks=reference_chunks, ) ( self.false_negative_lower_threshold, self.false_negative_upper_threshold, ) = self._calculate_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( metric_name='false_negative', reference_chunks=reference_chunks, ) return
def _calculate_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( self, metric_name: str, reference_chunks: List[Chunk], ) -> Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]: if metric_name == 'true_positive': chunked_reference_metric = [self._calculate_true_positives( for chunk in reference_chunks] elif metric_name == 'true_negative': chunked_reference_metric = [self._calculate_true_negatives( for chunk in reference_chunks] elif metric_name == 'false_positive': chunked_reference_metric = [self._calculate_false_positives( for chunk in reference_chunks] elif metric_name == 'false_negative': chunked_reference_metric = [self._calculate_false_negatives( for chunk in reference_chunks] else: raise InvalidArgumentsException(f"could not calculate metric {metric_name}. invalid metric name") lower_threshold_value, upper_threshold_value = calculate_threshold_values( threshold=self.threshold, data=np.asarray(chunked_reference_metric), lower_threshold_value_limit=self.lower_threshold_value_limit, upper_threshold_value_limit=self.upper_threshold_value_limit, logger=self._logger, metric_name=self.display_name, ) return lower_threshold_value, upper_threshold_value def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) self._true_positive_sampling_error_components = true_positive_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], normalize_confusion_matrix=self.normalize_confusion_matrix, ) self._true_negative_sampling_error_components = true_negative_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], normalize_confusion_matrix=self.normalize_confusion_matrix, ) self._false_positive_sampling_error_components = false_positive_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], normalize_confusion_matrix=self.normalize_confusion_matrix, ) self._false_negative_sampling_error_components = false_negative_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], normalize_confusion_matrix=self.normalize_confusion_matrix, ) def _calculate_true_positives(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.empty or y_pred.empty: warnings.warn("Calculated true_positives contain NaN values.") return np.nan num_tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, y_true)) num_fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), y_true)) num_fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, np.logical_not(y_true))) if self.normalize_confusion_matrix is None: return num_tp elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'true': return num_tp / (num_tp + num_fn) elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'pred': return num_tp / (num_tp + num_fp) else: # normalize_confusion_matrix == 'all' return num_tp / len(y_true) def _calculate_true_negatives(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.empty or y_pred.empty: warnings.warn("Calculated true_negatives contain NaN values.") return np.nan num_tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), np.logical_not(y_true))) num_fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), y_true)) num_fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, np.logical_not(y_true))) if self.normalize_confusion_matrix is None: return num_tn elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'true': return num_tn / (num_tn + num_fp) elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'pred': return num_tn / (num_tn + num_fn) else: # normalize_confusion_matrix == 'all' return num_tn / len(y_true) def _calculate_false_positives(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.empty or y_pred.empty: warnings.warn("Calculated false_positives contain NaN values.") return np.nan num_fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, np.logical_not(y_true))) num_tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), np.logical_not(y_true))) num_tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, y_true)) if self.normalize_confusion_matrix is None: return num_fp elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'true': return num_fp / (num_fp + num_tn) elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'pred': return num_fp / (num_fp + num_tp) else: # normalize_confusion_matrix == 'all' return num_fp / len(y_true) def _calculate_false_negatives(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(data.columns)) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_true.empty or y_pred.empty: warnings.warn(f"'{self.y_true}' contains no data, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN.") return np.NaN num_fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), y_true)) num_tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(y_pred), np.logical_not(y_true))) num_tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(y_pred, y_true)) if self.normalize_confusion_matrix is None: return num_fn elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'true': return num_fn / (num_fn + num_tp) elif self.normalize_confusion_matrix == 'pred': return num_fn / (num_fn + num_tn) else: # normalize_confusion_matrix == 'all' return num_fn / len(y_true)
[docs] def get_true_pos_info(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary containing infomation about the true positives for a given chunk. Parameters ---------- chunk_data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the data for a given chunk. Returns ------- true_pos_info : Dict A dictionary of true positive's information and its value pairs. """ column_name = 'true_positive' true_pos_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} realized_tp = self._calculate_true_positives(chunk_data) # in this function, check if there are sampling_error_tp = true_positive_sampling_error(self._true_positive_sampling_error_components, chunk_data) true_pos_info[f'{column_name}_sampling_error'] = sampling_error_tp true_pos_info[f'{column_name}'] = realized_tp true_pos_info[f'{column_name}_upper_threshold'] = self.true_positive_upper_threshold true_pos_info[f'{column_name}_lower_threshold'] = self.true_positive_lower_threshold true_pos_info[f'{column_name}_alert'] = ( self.true_positive_lower_threshold is not None and self.true_positive_lower_threshold > realized_tp ) or (self.true_positive_upper_threshold is not None and self.true_positive_upper_threshold < realized_tp) return true_pos_info
[docs] def get_true_neg_info(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary containing infomation about the true negatives for a given chunk. Parameters ---------- chunk_data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the data for a given chunk. Returns ------- true_neg_info : Dict A dictionary of true negative's information and its value pairs. """ column_name = 'true_negative' true_neg_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} realized_tn = self._calculate_true_negatives(chunk_data) sampling_error_tn = true_negative_sampling_error(self._true_negative_sampling_error_components, chunk_data) true_neg_info[f'{column_name}_sampling_error'] = sampling_error_tn true_neg_info[f'{column_name}'] = realized_tn true_neg_info[f'{column_name}_upper_threshold'] = self.true_negative_upper_threshold true_neg_info[f'{column_name}_lower_threshold'] = self.true_negative_lower_threshold true_neg_info[f'{column_name}_alert'] = ( (self.true_negative_lower_threshold is not None and self.true_negative_lower_threshold > realized_tn) ) or (self.true_negative_upper_threshold is not None and self.true_negative_upper_threshold < realized_tn) return true_neg_info
[docs] def get_false_pos_info(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary containing infomation about the false positives for a given chunk. Parameters ---------- chunk_data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the data for a given chunk. Returns ------- false_pos_info : Dict A dictionary of false positive's information and its value pairs. """ column_name = 'false_positive' false_pos_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} realized_fp = self._calculate_false_positives(chunk_data) sampling_error_fp = false_positive_sampling_error(self._false_positive_sampling_error_components, chunk_data) false_pos_info[f'{column_name}_sampling_error'] = sampling_error_fp false_pos_info[f'{column_name}'] = realized_fp false_pos_info[f'{column_name}_upper_threshold'] = self.false_positive_upper_threshold false_pos_info[f'{column_name}_lower_threshold'] = self.false_positive_lower_threshold false_pos_info[f'{column_name}_alert'] = ( self.false_positive_lower_threshold is not None and self.false_positive_lower_threshold > realized_fp ) or (self.false_positive_upper_threshold is not None and self.false_positive_upper_threshold < realized_fp) return false_pos_info
[docs] def get_false_neg_info(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary containing infomation about the false negatives for a given chunk. Parameters ---------- chunk_data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the data for a given chunk. Returns ------- false_neg_info : Dict A dictionary of false negative's information and its value pairs. """ column_name = 'false_negative' false_neg_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} realized_fn = self._calculate_false_negatives(chunk_data) sampling_error_fn = false_negative_sampling_error(self._false_negative_sampling_error_components, chunk_data) false_neg_info[f'{column_name}_sampling_error'] = sampling_error_fn false_neg_info[f'{column_name}'] = realized_fn false_neg_info[f'{column_name}_upper_threshold'] = self.false_negative_upper_threshold false_neg_info[f'{column_name}_lower_threshold'] = self.false_negative_lower_threshold false_neg_info[f'{column_name}_alert'] = ( self.false_negative_lower_threshold is not None and self.false_negative_lower_threshold > realized_fn ) or (self.false_negative_upper_threshold is not None and self.false_negative_upper_threshold < realized_fn) return false_neg_info
[docs] def get_chunk_record(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: """Returns a dictionary containing the conduction matrix values for a given chunk. Parameters ---------- chunk_data : pd.DataFrame A pandas dataframe containing the data for a given chunk. Returns ------- chunk_record : Dict A dictionary of confusion matrix metrics, value pairs. """ chunk_record = {} true_pos_info = self.get_true_pos_info(chunk_data) chunk_record.update(true_pos_info) true_neg_info = self.get_true_neg_info(chunk_data) chunk_record.update(true_neg_info) false_pos_info = self.get_false_pos_info(chunk_data) chunk_record.update(false_pos_info) false_neg_info = self.get_false_neg_info(chunk_data) chunk_record.update(false_neg_info) return chunk_record
def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame): pass