Source code for nannyml.performance_calculation.metrics

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0

"""Module containing metric utilities and implementations."""
import abc
from typing import Type  # noqa: TYP001
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import (

from nannyml import Chunk, Chunker
from nannyml.exceptions import InvalidArgumentsException
from nannyml.metadata.base import (
from nannyml.metadata.binary_classification import (
from nannyml.metadata.multiclass_classification import MulticlassClassificationMetadata

[docs]class Metric(abc.ABC): """Represents a performance metric.""" def __init__( self, display_name: str, column_name: str, metadata: ModelMetadata, upper_threshold: float = None, lower_threshold: float = None, ): """Creates a new Metric instance. Parameters ---------- display_name : str The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. If not given this name will be derived from the ``calculation_function``. column_name: str The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. metadata: ModelMetadata Metadata describing the model being monitored. upper_threshold : float, default=None An optional upper threshold for the performance metric. lower_threshold : float, default=None An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self.display_name = display_name self.column_name = column_name self.metadata = metadata self.lower_threshold = lower_threshold self.upper_threshold = upper_threshold self._minimum_chunk_size: int = 300
[docs] def fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame, chunker: Chunker): """Fits a Metric on reference data. Parameters ---------- reference_data: pd.DataFrame The reference data used for fitting. Must have target data available. chunker: Chunker The :class:`~nannyml.chunk.Chunker` used to split the reference data into chunks. This value is provided by the calling :class:`~nannyml.performance_calculation.calculator.PerformanceCalculator`. """ self._fit(reference_data) # Calculate alert thresholds if self.upper_threshold is None and self.lower_threshold is None: reference_chunks = chunker.split(reference_data, minimum_chunk_size=self.minimum_chunk_size()) self.lower_threshold, self.upper_threshold = self._calculate_alert_thresholds(reference_chunks) return
def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Calculates performance metrics on data. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The data to calculate performance metrics on. Requires presence of either the predicted labels or prediction scores/probabilities (depending on the metric to be calculated), as well as the target data. """ if NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME not in data.columns: raise RuntimeError('data does not contain target column') if ( NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME not in data.columns and NML_METADATA_PREDICTED_PROBABILITY_COLUMN_NAME not in data.columns ): raise RuntimeError('data does contains neither prediction column or predicted probabilities column') return self._calculate(data)
def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def minimum_chunk_size(self) -> int: """Determines the minimum number of observations a chunk should ideally for this metric to be trustworthy.""" try: return self._minimum_chunk_size except Exception: # TODO: log failure return 300
def _calculate_alert_thresholds( self, reference_chunks: List[Chunk], std_num: int = 3, lower_limit: int = 0, upper_limit: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[float, float]: chunked_reference_metric = [self.calculate( for chunk in reference_chunks] deviation = np.std(chunked_reference_metric) * std_num mean_reference_metric = np.mean(chunked_reference_metric) lower_threshold = np.maximum(mean_reference_metric - deviation, lower_limit) upper_threshold = np.minimum(mean_reference_metric + deviation, upper_limit) return lower_threshold, upper_threshold
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Establishes equality by comparing all properties.""" return ( self.display_name == other.display_name and self.column_name == other.column_name and self.upper_threshold == other.upper_threshold and self.lower_threshold == other.lower_threshold )
def _floor_chunk_size(calculated_min_chunk_size: float, lower_limit_on_chunk_size: int = 300) -> int: return int(np.maximum(calculated_min_chunk_size, lower_limit_on_chunk_size)) def _minimum_chunk_size_roc_auc( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, predicted_probability_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTED_PROBABILITY_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ) -> int: """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of AUROC. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula and expressing AUROC as Mann-Whitney U statistic. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred_proba = data.loc[ data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, predicted_probability_column_name ] y_true, y_pred_proba = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred_proba) if np.mean(y_true) > 0.5: y_true = abs(np.asarray(y_true) - 1) y_pred_proba = 1 - y_pred_proba sorted_idx = np.argsort(y_pred_proba) y_pred_proba = y_pred_proba[sorted_idx] y_true = y_true[sorted_idx] rank_order = np.asarray(range(len(y_pred_proba))) positive_ranks = y_true * rank_order indexes = np.unique(positive_ranks)[1:] ser = [] for i, index in enumerate(indexes): ser.append(index - i) n_pos = np.sum(y_true) n_neg = len(y_true) - n_pos ser_divided = ser / (n_pos * n_neg) ser_multi = ser_divided * n_pos pos_targets = y_true # neg_targets = abs(y_true - 1) n_pos_targets = np.sum(pos_targets) fraction = n_pos_targets / len(y_true) sample_size = (np.std(ser_multi)) ** 2 / ((required_std**2) * fraction) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size) def _minimum_chunk_size_f1( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, prediction_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ): """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of F1. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, prediction_column_name] y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred) TP = np.where((y_true == y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 1, np.nan) FP = np.where((y_true != y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 0, np.nan) FN = np.where((y_true != y_pred) & (y_pred == 0), 0, np.nan) TP = TP[~np.isnan(TP)] FN = FN[~np.isnan(FN)] FP = FP[~np.isnan(FP)] tp_fp_fn = np.concatenate([TP, FN, FP]) correcting_factor = len(tp_fp_fn) / ((len(FN) + len(FP)) * 0.5 + len(TP)) obs_level_f1 = tp_fp_fn * correcting_factor fraction_of_relevant = len(tp_fp_fn) / len(y_pred) sample_size = ((np.std(obs_level_f1)) ** 2) / ((required_std**2) * fraction_of_relevant) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size) def _minimum_chunk_size_precision( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, prediction_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ): """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of Precision. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, prediction_column_name] y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred) TP = np.where((y_true == y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 1, np.nan) FP = np.where((y_true != y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 0, np.nan) TP = TP[~np.isnan(TP)] FP = FP[~np.isnan(FP)] obs_level_precision = np.concatenate([TP, FP]) amount_positive_pred = np.sum(y_pred) fraction_of_pos_pred = amount_positive_pred / len(y_pred) sample_size = ((np.std(obs_level_precision)) ** 2) / ((required_std**2) * fraction_of_pos_pred) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size) def _minimum_chunk_size_recall( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, prediction_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ): """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of Recall. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, prediction_column_name] y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred) TP = np.where((y_true == y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 1, np.nan) FN = np.where((y_true != y_pred) & (y_pred == 0), 0, np.nan) TP = TP[~np.isnan(TP)] FN = FN[~np.isnan(FN)] obs_level_recall = np.concatenate([TP, FN]) fraction_of_relevant = sum(obs_level_recall) / len(y_pred) sample_size = ((np.std(obs_level_recall)) ** 2) / ((required_std**2) * fraction_of_relevant) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size) def _minimum_chunk_size_specificity( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, prediction_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ): """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of Specificity. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, prediction_column_name] y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred) TN = np.where((y_true == y_pred) & (y_pred == 0), 1, np.nan) FP = np.where((y_true != y_pred) & (y_pred == 1), 0, np.nan) TN = TN[~np.isnan(TN)] FP = FP[~np.isnan(FP)] obs_level_specificity = np.concatenate([TN, FP]) fraction_of_relevant = len(obs_level_specificity) / len(y_pred) sample_size = ((np.std(obs_level_specificity)) ** 2) / ((required_std**2) * fraction_of_relevant) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size) def _minimum_chunk_size_accuracy( data: pd.DataFrame, partition_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PARTITION_COLUMN_NAME, prediction_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME, target_column_name: str = NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME, required_std: float = 0.02, ): """Estimation of minimum sample size to get required standard deviation of Accuracy. Estimation takes advantage of Standard Error of the Mean formula. """ y_true = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, target_column_name] y_pred = data.loc[data[partition_column_name] == NML_METADATA_REFERENCE_PARTITION_NAME, prediction_column_name] y_true, y_pred = np.asarray(y_true), np.asarray(y_pred) y_true = np.asarray(y_true).astype(int) y_pred = np.asarray(y_pred).astype(int) correct_table = (y_true == y_pred).astype(int) sample_size = (np.std(correct_table) ** 2) / (required_std**2) sample_size = np.minimum(sample_size, len(y_true)) sample_size = np.round(sample_size, -2) return _floor_chunk_size(sample_size)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationAUROC(Metric): """Area under Receiver Operating Curve metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new AUROC instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='ROC AUC', column_name='roc_auc', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_roc_auc(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Redefine to handle NaNs and edge cases.""" y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTED_PROBABILITY_COLUMN_NAME] # TODO: this should be predicted_probabilities y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: return np.nan else: return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationF1(Metric): """F1 score metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new F1 instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='F1', column_name='f1', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_f1(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Redefine to handle NaNs and edge cases.""" y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return f1_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationPrecision(Metric): """Precision metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Precision instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Precision', column_name='precision', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_precision(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return precision_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationRecall(Metric): """Recall metric, also known as 'sensitivity'.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Recall instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Recall', column_name='recall', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_recall(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return recall_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationSpecificity(Metric): """Specificity metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new F1 instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Specificity', column_name='specificity', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_specificity(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel() return tn / (tn + fp)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationAccuracy(Metric): """Accuracy metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Accuracy instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Accuracy', column_name='accuracy', metadata=metadata) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): self._min_chunk_size = _minimum_chunk_size_accuracy(reference_data) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric '{self.display_name}': " "prediction column contains no data" ) y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred).ravel() return (tp + tn) / (tp + tn + fp + fn)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationAUROC(Metric): """Area under Receiver Operating Curve metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new AUROC instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='ROC AUC', column_name='roc_auc', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): """Redefine to handle NaNs and edge cases.""" if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') labels, class_probability_columns = [], [] for label in sorted(list(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns())): labels.append(label) class_probability_columns.append(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns()[label]) y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[class_probability_columns] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: return np.nan else: return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred, multi_class='ovr', average='macro', labels=labels)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationF1(Metric): """F1 score metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new F1 instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='F1', column_name='f1', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') labels = sorted(list(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns().keys())) y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationPrecision(Metric): """Precision metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Precision instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Precision', column_name='precision', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') labels = sorted(list(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns().keys())) y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationRecall(Metric): """Recall metric, also known as 'sensitivity'.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Recall instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Recall', column_name='recall', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') labels = sorted(list(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns().keys())) y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationSpecificity(Metric): """Specificity metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Specificity instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Specificity', column_name='specificity', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') labels = sorted(list(self.metadata.predicted_class_probability_metadata_columns().keys())) y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: MCM = multilabel_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=labels) tn_sum = MCM[:, 0, 0] fp_sum = MCM[:, 0, 1] class_wise_specificity = tn_sum / (tn_sum + fp_sum) return np.mean(class_wise_specificity)
[docs]class MulticlassClassificationAccuracy(Metric): """Accuracy metric.""" def __init__(self, metadata: ModelMetadata): """Creates a new Accuracy instance.""" super().__init__(display_name='Accuracy', column_name='accuracy', metadata=metadata) self._min_chunk_size = 300 def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): pass def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.metadata, MulticlassClassificationMetadata): raise InvalidArgumentsException('metadata was not an instance of MulticlassClassificationMetadata') y_true = data[NML_METADATA_TARGET_COLUMN_NAME] y_pred = data[NML_METADATA_PREDICTION_COLUMN_NAME] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric '{self.display_name}': " "prediction column contains no data" ) # y_true, y_pred = _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: return accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)
def _common_data_cleaning(y_true, y_pred): y_true, y_pred = ( pd.Series(y_true).reset_index(drop=True), pd.Series(y_pred).reset_index(drop=True), ) y_true = y_true[~y_pred.isna()] y_pred.dropna(inplace=True) y_pred = y_pred[~y_true.isna()] y_true.dropna(inplace=True) return y_true, y_pred
[docs]class MetricFactory: """A factory class that produces Metric instances based on a given magic string or a metric specification.""" _metrics: Dict[str, Dict[str, Type[Metric]]] = { 'roc_auc': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationAUROC, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationAUROC, }, 'f1': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationF1, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationF1, }, 'precision': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationPrecision, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationPrecision, }, 'recall': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationRecall, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationRecall, }, 'specificity': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationSpecificity, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationSpecificity, }, 'accuracy': { BinaryClassificationMetadata.__name__: BinaryClassificationAccuracy, MulticlassClassificationMetadata.__name__: MulticlassClassificationAccuracy, }, }
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, key: str, metadata: ModelMetadata) -> Metric: """Returns a Metric instance for a given key.""" if not isinstance(key, str): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"cannot create metric given a '{type(key)}'" "Please provide a string, function or Metric" ) if key not in cls._metrics: raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"unknown metric key '{key}' given. " "Should be one of ['roc_auc', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall', 'specificity', " "'accuracy']." ) metadata_class_name = type(metadata).__name__ if metadata_class_name not in cls._metrics[key]: raise RuntimeError( f"metric '{key}' is currently not supported for model type {metadata_class_name}. " "Please specify another metric or use one of these supported model types for this metric: " f"{[metadata_class_name for md in cls._metrics[key]]}" ) metric_class = cls._metrics[key][metadata_class_name] return metric_class(metadata=metadata) # type: ignore