Source code for nannyml.performance_calculation.result

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0

"""Module containing the results of performance calculations and associated plots."""
from typing import Union

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from nannyml import InvalidArgumentsException
from nannyml.metadata import ModelMetadata
from nannyml.performance_calculation import Metric, MetricFactory
from nannyml.plots import CHUNK_KEY_COLUMN_NAME
from nannyml.plots._step_plot import _step_plot

[docs]class PerformanceCalculatorResult: """Contains the results of performance calculation and adds plotting functionality.""" def __init__( self, performance_data: pd.DataFrame, model_metadata: ModelMetadata, ): """Creates a new PerformanceCalculatorResult instance. Parameters ---------- performance_data : pd.DataFrame The results of the performance calculation. model_metadata : The metadata describing the monitored model. """ = performance_data self.metadata = model_metadata
[docs] def plot(self, kind: str = 'performance', metric: Union[str, Metric] = None, *args, **kwargs) -> go.Figure: """Render plots based on CBPE estimation results. This function will return a :class:`plotly.graph_objects.Figure` object. The following kinds of plots are available: - ``performance``: a line plot rendering the estimated performance per :class:`~nannyml.chunk.Chunk` after applying the :meth:`~nannyml.performance_estimation.confidence_based.CBPE.calculate` method on a chunked dataset. Parameters ---------- kind: str, default='performance' The kind of plot to render. Only the 'performance' plot is currently available. metric: Union[str, Metric], default=None The name of the metric to plot. Value should be one of: - 'roc_auc' - 'f1' - 'precision' - 'recall' - 'specificity' - 'accuracy' Examples -------- >>> import nannyml.metadata.extraction >>> import nannyml as nml >>> ref_df, ana_df, _ = nml.load_synthetic_binary_classification_dataset() >>> metadata = nannyml.metadata.extraction.extract_metadata(ref_df) >>> calculator = nml.PerformanceCalculator(model_metadata=metadata, chunk_period='W') >>> >>> realized_performance = calculator.calculate(ana_df) >>> # plot the calculated performance metrics >>> for m in calculator.metrics: >>> realized_performance.plot(kind='performance', metric=m).show() """ if kind == 'performance': return _plot_performance_metric(, self.metadata, metric) else: raise InvalidArgumentsException(f"unknown plot kind '{kind}'. " f"Please provide on of: ['performance'].")
def _plot_performance_metric( performance_calculation_results: pd.DataFrame, metadata: ModelMetadata, metric: Union[str, Metric] = None ) -> go.Figure: """Renders a line plot of a selected metric of the performance calculation results. Chunks are set on a time-based X-axis by using the period containing their observations. Chunks of different partitions (``reference`` and ``analysis``) are represented using different colors and a vertical separation if the drift results contain multiple partitions. Parameters ---------- performance_calculation_results : pd.DataFrame Results of the data CBPE performance estimation metadata: ModelMetadata The metadata describing the model being monitored metric: str, default=None The name of the metric to plot. Value should be one of: - 'roc_auc' - 'f1' - 'precision' - 'recall' - 'sensitivity' - 'specificity' - 'accuracy' Returns ------- fig: plotly.graph_objects.Figure A ``Figure`` object containing the requested performance estimation plot. Can be saved to disk or shown rendered on screen using ````. """ performance_calculation_results = performance_calculation_results.copy(deep=True) plot_partition_separator = len(performance_calculation_results['partition'].value_counts()) > 1 if not isinstance(metric, Metric): metric = MetricFactory.create(metric, metadata) # type: ignore metric_column_name = metric.column_name metric_display_name = metric.display_name # Plot metric performance fig = _step_plot( table=performance_calculation_results, metric_column_name=metric_column_name, chunk_column_name=CHUNK_KEY_COLUMN_NAME, drift_column_name=f'{metric_column_name}_alert', drift_legend_label='Degraded performance', hover_labels=['Chunk', metric_display_name, 'Target data'], hover_marker_labels=['Reference', 'No change', 'Change'], threshold_column_name=f'{metric_column_name}_thresholds', threshold_legend_label='Performance threshold', partial_target_column_name='targets_missing_rate', title=f'Realized performance: {metric_display_name}', y_axis_title='Realized performance', v_line_separating_analysis_period=plot_partition_separator, ) return fig