Configuration file


The nml CLI will look for configuration files called either nannyml.yaml or nann.yml in a number of preset locations. These presets can be overridden by telling NannyML where to look for your configuration. You can do this by using an environment variable or a command line argument.

The nml CLI will go over the possible options in the following order:

  1. Evaluate the -c or --configuration-path command line argument

    When providing an explicit location to the nml CLI, the configuration file living at that location will always be prioritised above any preset location.

    nml -c /path/to/nann.yml run
  2. Evaluate the NML_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

    If the NML_CONFIG_PATH environment variable was found, its value will be interpreted as a path pointing to your config file.

    export NML_CONFIG_PATH /path/to/nann.yml
  3. Look for nannyml.yaml or nann.yml in the /config directory

    This directory is unlikely to exist on your local system, but is easy to use when mounting your configuration files into the NannyML docker container.

    docker run -v /path/to/config/dir/:/config/ nannyml/nannyml nml run
  4. Look for nannyml.yaml or nann.yml in the current working $PWD directory

    When working on your local system you can just run the nml CLI in the same location as your nannyml.yaml or nann.yml file. Make sure you’ve activated your virtual environment when using one!


The configuration file format is broken down into multiple sections.

Input section

This section describes the input data for NannyML, i.e. the reference and analysis datasets.

The following snippet shows the basic form of pointing towards two local CSV files as reference and analysis data.

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_reference.csv

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_analysis.csv

You can also work with data living in cloud storage. We currently support reading data from S3 buckets (Amazon Web Services), GCS buckets (Google Cloud Platform) and ADLS or Azure Blob Storage (Microsoft Azure). We use the awesome fsspec project for this.

You can provide credentials to access these locations by using cloud-vendor specific way (e.g. setting some environment variables or providing config files like .aws/credentials) or provide them in the configuration.

    path: s3://nml-data/synthetic_sample_reference.pq
    credentials:  # providing example AWS credentials
        aws_access_key_id: 'ACCESS_KEY_ID'
        aws_secret_access_key: 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'

    path: gs://nml-data/synthetic_sample_analysis.pq
    credentials:  # providing example GCP credentials
        token: ml6-workshop-fa83b3d60b5d.json  # path to service account key file

Any pandas.read_csv or pandas.read_parquet options can be passed along by providing them in the configuration using the read_args parameter.

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_reference.csv
        delimiter: ;
        chunksize: 100000

When target values are delivered separately you can specify these as an input as well. You must also provide a column used to join your target values with your analysis data.

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_reference.csv

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_analysis.csv

    path: /data/synthetic_sample_analysis_gt.csv
    join_column: identifier

Output section

The output section allows you to instruct NannyML on how and where to write the outputs of the calculations. We currently only support writing data and plots to a local or cloud filesystem.


This is a very early release and additional ways of outputting data are on their way. This configuration section will be prone to big changes in the future.

You can specify the folder to write outputs to using the path parameter. The optional format parameter allows you to choose the format to export the results DataFrames in. Allowed values are csv and parquet, with parquet being the default.

  path: /data/out/
  format: parquet

The output section supports the use of credentials:

    path: s3://nml-data/synthetic_sample_reference.pq
    credentials:  # providing example AWS credentials
        aws_access_key_id: 'ACCESS_KEY_ID'
        aws_secret_access_key: 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'

The output format supports passing along any pandas.to_csv or pandas.to_parquet using the write_args parameter.

  path: /data/out/
  format: csv
    headers: False

Column mapping section

This section is responsible for teaching NannyML about your specific model: what are its features, predictions, … You do this by providing a column mapping that associates a NannyML specific meaning to your input data. For more information on this, check out the Data requirements documentation.

The following snippet lists the column mapping for the Synthetic Binary Classification Dataset.

    - distance_from_office
    - salary_range
    - gas_price_per_litre
    - public_transportation_cost
    - wfh_prev_workday
    - workday
    - tenure
  timestamp: timestamp
  y_pred: y_pred
  y_pred_proba: y_pred_proba
  y_true: work_home_actual

This snippet shows how to setup the column mapping for the Synthetic Multiclass Classification Dataset.

    - acq_channel
    - app_behavioral_score
    - requested_credit_limit
    - app_channel
    - credit_bureau_score
    - stated_income
    - is_customer
  timestamp: timestamp
  y_pred: y_pred
    prepaid_card: y_pred_proba_prepaid_card
    highstreet_card: y_pred_proba_highstreet_card
    upmarket_card: y_pred_proba_upmarket_card
  y_true: y_true

Standalone parameters section

This section contains some standalone parameters that mostly serve as an alternative to CLI arguments.

ignore_errors: True  # continue execution of a calculator/estimator fails

Templating paths

To use NannyML as a scheduled job we provide some support for path templating. This allows you to read data from and write data to locations that are based on timestamps.

The following example illustrates writing outputs to a 3-tiered directory structure for years, months and days. When NannyML is run as a daily scheduled job the results will be written to a different folder each day, preserving the outputs of previous runs.

  path: /data/out/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{day}}

The following placeholders are currently supported:

  • minute

  • hour

  • day

  • weeknumber

  • month

  • year


The following example contains the configuration required to run the nml CLI for the Synthetic Binary Classification Dataset. All data is read and written to the local filesystem.

    path: data/synthetic_sample_reference.csv

    path: data/synthetic_sample_analysis.csv

  path: out/
  format: parquet

    - distance_from_office
    - salary_range
    - gas_price_per_litre
    - public_transportation_cost
    - wfh_prev_workday
    - workday
    - tenure
  timestamp: timestamp
  y_pred: y_pred
  y_pred_proba: y_pred_proba
  y_true: work_home_actual

ignore_errors: True

The following example contains the configuration used to run the nml CLI on the Synthetic Multiclass Classification Dataset. Input data is read from one S3 bucket using templated paths. Targets have been provided separately - they are not present in the analysis data. The results are written to another S3 bucket, also using a templated path.

    path: s3://nml-data/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{day}}/mc_reference.csv
        aws_access_key_id: 'DATA_ACCESS_KEY_ID'
        aws_secret_access_key: 'DATA_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'

    path: s3://nml-data/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{day}}/mc_analysis.csv
        aws_access_key_id: 'DATA_ACCESS_KEY_ID'
        aws_secret_access_key: 'DATA_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'

  path: s3://nml-results/{{year}}/{{month}}/{{day}}
  format: parquet
  credentials:  # different credentials
        aws_access_key_id: 'RESULTS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'
        aws_secret_access_key: 'RESULTS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'

    - acq_channel
    - app_behavioral_score
    - requested_credit_limit
    - app_channel
    - credit_bureau_score
    - stated_income
    - is_customer
  timestamp: timestamp
  y_pred: y_pred
    prepaid_card: y_pred_proba_prepaid_card
    highstreet_card: y_pred_proba_highstreet_card
    upmarket_card: y_pred_proba_upmarket_card
  y_true: y_true

ignore_errors: False