Source code for nannyml.exceptions

# Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
# License: Apache Software License 2.0

"""Custom exceptions."""

[docs]class InvalidArgumentsException(BaseException): """An exception indicating that the inputs for a function are invalid."""
[docs]class ChunkerException(BaseException): """An exception indicating an error occurred somewhere during chunking."""
[docs]class MissingMetadataException(BaseException): """An exception indicating metadata columns are missing from the dataframe being processed."""
[docs]class InvalidReferenceDataException(BaseException): """An exception indicating the reference data provided are invalid."""
[docs]class CalculatorException(BaseException): """An exception indicating an error occurred during calculation."""
[docs]class EstimatorException(BaseException): """An exception indicating an error occurred during estimation."""
[docs]class CalculatorNotFittedException(CalculatorException): """An exception indicating a calculator was not fitted before using it in calculations."""
[docs]class NotFittedException(BaseException): """An exception indicating an object was not fitted before using it."""
[docs]class WriterException(BaseException): """An exception indicating something went wrong whilst trying to write out results."""
[docs]class ReaderException(BaseException): """An exception indicating something went wrong whilst trying to read out data."""
[docs]class IOException(BaseException): """An exception indicating something went wrong during IO."""
[docs]class StoreException(BaseException): """An exception indicating something went wrong whilst using a store."""
[docs]class SerializeException(BaseException): """An exception occurring when serialization some object went wrong."""
[docs]class DeserializeException(BaseException): """An exception occurring when deserialization some object went wrong."""
[docs]class ThresholdException(BaseException): """An exception occurring during threshold creation or calculation."""