nannyml.performance_estimation.direct_loss_estimation.result module

Module containing CBPE estimation results and plotting implementations.

class nannyml.performance_estimation.direct_loss_estimation.result.Result(results_data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, metrics: List[nannyml.performance_estimation.direct_loss_estimation.metrics.Metric], feature_column_names: List[str], y_pred: str, y_true: str, chunker: nannyml.chunk.Chunker, tune_hyperparameters: bool, hyperparameter_tuning_config: Dict[str, Any], hyperparameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], timestamp_column_name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: nannyml.base.PerMetricResult[nannyml.performance_estimation.direct_loss_estimation.metrics.Metric], nannyml.plots.blueprints.comparisons.ResultCompareMixin

Contains results for CBPE estimation and adds filtering and plotting functionality.

  • results_data (pd.DataFrame) – Results data returned by a DLE estimator.

  • metrics (List[nannyml.performance_estimation.direct_loss_estimation.metrics.Metric]) – List of metrics to evaluate.

  • feature_column_names (List[str]) – A list of column names indicating which columns contain feature values.

  • y_pred (str) – The name of the column containing your model predictions.

  • y_true (str) – The name of the column containing target values (that are provided in reference data during fitting).

  • chunker (Chunker) – The Chunker used to split the data sets into a lists of chunks.

  • tune_hyperparameters (bool,) – A boolean controlling whether hypertuning should be performed on the internal regressor models whilst fitting on reference data. Tuning hyperparameters takes some time and does not guarantee better results, hence it defaults to False.

  • hyperparameter_tuning_config (Dict[str, Any],) –

    A dictionary that allows you to provide a custom hyperparameter tuning configuration when tune_hyperparameters has been set to True. The following dictionary is the default tuning configuration. It can be used as a template to modify:

        "time_budget": 15,
        "metric": "mse",
        "estimator_list": ['lgbm'],
        "eval_method": "cv",
        "hpo_method": "cfo",
        "n_splits": 5,
        "task": 'regression',
        "seed": 1,
        "verbose": 0,

    For an overview of possible parameters for the tuning process check out the FLAML documentation.

  • hyperparameters (Dict[str, Any],) – A dictionary used to provide your own custom hyperparameters when tune_hyperparameters has been set to True. Check out the available hyperparameter options in the LightGBM documentation.

  • timestamp_column_name (str, default=None) – The name of the column containing the timestamp of the model prediction. If not given, plots will not use a time-based x-axis but will use the index of the chunks instead.

keys() List[nannyml._typing.Key][source]

Creates a list of keys where each Key is a namedtuple(‘Key’, ‘properties display_names’)

plot(kind: str = 'performance', *args, **kwargs) plotly.graph_objs._figure.Figure[source]

Render plots based on DLE estimation results.

This function will return a plotly.graph_objects.Figure object. The following kinds of plots are available:


kind (str, default='performance') –


InvalidArgumentsException – when an unknown plot kind is provided.:


fig – A Figure object containing the requested drift plot.

Can be saved to disk using the write_image() method or shown rendered on screen using the show() method.

Return type



>>> import nannyml as nml
>>> reference_df, analysis_df, _ = nml.load_synthetic_car_price_dataset()
>>> estimator = nml.DLE(
...     feature_column_names=['car_age', 'km_driven', 'price_new', 'accident_count',
...                           'door_count', 'fuel', 'transmission'],
...     y_pred='y_pred',
...     y_true='y_true',
...     timestamp_column_name='timestamp',
...     metrics=['rmse', 'rmsle'],
...     chunk_size=6000,
>>> )
>>> results = estimator.estimate(analysis_df)
>>> results.plot().show()