Source code for nannyml.drift.univariate.methods

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0

""" This module contains the different drift detection method implementations.

The :class:`~nannyml.drift.univariate.methods.MethodFactory` will convert the drift detection method names
into an instance of the base :class:`~nannyml.drift.univariate.methods.Method` class.

The :class:`~nannyml.drift.univariate.calculator.UnivariateDriftCalculator` class will perform
the required data transformations before looping over all
:class:`~nannyml.drift.univariate.methods.Method` instances it holds and fit each on reference data
or calculate the drift value on analysis data.


from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import logging
from copy import copy
from enum import Enum
from logging import Logger
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Type

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import jensenshannon
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency, ks_2samp, wasserstein_distance

from nannyml._typing import Self
from nannyml.base import _column_is_categorical, _remove_nans
from nannyml.chunk import Chunker
from nannyml.exceptions import InvalidArgumentsException, NotFittedException
from nannyml.thresholds import Threshold, calculate_threshold_values

[docs]class Method(abc.ABC): """A method base class to express the amount of drift between two distributions.""" def __init__( self, display_name: str, column_name: str, chunker: Chunker, threshold: Threshold, computation_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, upper_threshold_limit: Optional[float] = None, lower_threshold_limit: Optional[float] = None, ): """Creates a new Method instance. Parameters ---------- display_name : str The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. If not given this name will be derived from the ``calculation_function``. column_name: str The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. chunker : Chunker The `Chunker` used to split the data sets into a lists of chunks. computation_params : dict, default=None A dictionary specifying parameter names and values to be used in the computation of the drift method. upper_threshold : float, default=None An optional upper threshold for the data quality metric. lower_threshold : float, default=None An optional lower threshold for the data quality metric. upper_threshold_limit : float, default=None An optional upper threshold limit for the data quality metric. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold limit for the data quality metric. """ self.display_name = display_name self.column_name = column_name self.threshold = threshold self.upper_threshold_value: Optional[float] = None self.lower_threshold_value: Optional[float] = None self.lower_threshold_value_limit: Optional[float] = lower_threshold_limit self.upper_threshold_value_limit: Optional[float] = upper_threshold_limit self.chunker = chunker @property def _logger(self) -> logging.Logger: return logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: """Fits a Method on reference data. Parameters ---------- reference_data: pd.DataFrame The reference data used for fitting a Method. Must have target data available. timestamps: Optional[pd.Series], default=None A series containing the reference data Timestamps """ # delegate to subclasses first, since _calculate might use properties set during fitting self._fit(reference_data, timestamps) # calculate alert thresholds by calculating the method values on reference chunks and applying the configured # threshold on those values. Then check with any limits if timestamps is not None: data = pd.concat([reference_data, timestamps], axis=1) else: data = reference_data.to_frame() reference_chunk_results = np.asarray( [self._calculate([]) for chunk in self.chunker.split(data)] ) self.lower_threshold_value, self.upper_threshold_value = calculate_threshold_values( threshold=self.threshold, data=reference_chunk_results, lower_threshold_value_limit=self.lower_threshold_value_limit, upper_threshold_value_limit=self.upper_threshold_value_limit, logger=self._logger, metric_name=self.display_name, ) return self
def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: raise NotImplementedError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' is a subclass of Metric and it must implement the _fit method" )
[docs] def calculate(self, data: pd.Series): """Calculates drift within data with respect to the reference data. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The data to compare to the reference data. """ return self._calculate(data)
def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series) -> float: raise NotImplementedError( f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' is a subclass of Metric and it must implement the _calculate method" ) # This is currenlty required because not all Methods use the same data to evaluate alerts. # E.g. KS and Chi2 alerts are still based on p-values, hence each method needs to individually decide how # to evaluate alert conditions... # To be refactored / removed when custom thresholding kicks in (and p-values are no longer used)
[docs] def alert(self, value: float): """Evaluates if an alert has occurred for this method on the current chunk data. Parameters ---------- value: float The method value for a given chunk """ return (self.lower_threshold_value is not None and value < self.lower_threshold_value) or ( self.upper_threshold_value is not None and value > self.upper_threshold_value )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Establishes equality by comparing all properties.""" return self.display_name == other.display_name and self.column_name == other.column_name
[docs]class FeatureType(str, Enum): """An enumeration indicating if a Method is applicable to continuous data, categorical data or both.""" CONTINUOUS = "continuous" CATEGORICAL = "categorical"
[docs]class MethodFactory: """A factory class that produces Method instances given a 'key' string and a 'feature_type' it supports.""" registry: Dict[str, Dict[FeatureType, Type[Method]]] = {} @classmethod def _logger(cls) -> Logger: return logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, key: str, feature_type: FeatureType, **kwargs) -> Method: """Returns a Method instance for a given key and FeatureType. The value for the `key` is passed explicitly by the end user (provided within the `UnivariateDriftCalculator` initializer). The value for the FeatureType is provided implicitly by deducing it from the reference data upon fitting the `UnivariateDriftCalculator`. Any additional keyword arguments are passed along to the initializer of the Method. """ if not isinstance(key, str): raise InvalidArgumentsException(f"cannot create method given a '{type(key)}'. Please provide a string.") if key not in cls.registry: raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"unknown method key '{key}' given. " "Should be one of ['kolmogorov_smirnov', 'jensen_shannon', 'wasserstein', 'chi2', " "'jensen_shannon', 'l_infinity', 'hellinger']." ) if feature_type not in cls.registry[key]: raise InvalidArgumentsException(f"method {key} does not support {feature_type.value} features.") if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} method_class = cls.registry[key][feature_type] return method_class(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, key: str, feature_type: FeatureType) -> Callable: """A decorator used to register a specific Method implementation to the factory. Registering a Method requires a `key` string and a FeatureType. The `key` sets the string value to select a Method by, e.g. `chi2` to select the Chi2-contingency implementation when creating a `UnivariateDriftCalculator`. Some Methods will only be applicable to one FeatureType, e.g. Kolmogorov-Smirnov can only be used with continuous data, Chi2-contingency only with categorical data. Some support multiple types however, such as the Jensen-Shannon distance. These can be registered multiple times, once for each FeatureType they support. The value for `key` can be identical, the factory will use both the FeatureType and the `key` value to determine which class to instantiate. Examples -------- >>> @MethodFactory.register(key='jensen_shannon', feature_type=FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) >>> @MethodFactory.register(key='jensen_shannon', feature_type=FeatureType.CATEGORICAL) >>> class JensenShannonDistance(Method): ... pass """ def inner_wrapper(wrapped_class: Type[Method]) -> Type[Method]: if key not in cls.registry: cls.registry[key] = {feature_type: wrapped_class} else: if feature_type not in cls.registry[key]: cls.registry[key].update({feature_type: wrapped_class}) else: cls._logger().warning(f"re-registering Method for key='{key}' and feature_type='{feature_type}'") cls.registry[key][feature_type] = wrapped_class return wrapped_class return inner_wrapper
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='jensen_shannon', feature_type=FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) @MethodFactory.register(key='jensen_shannon', feature_type=FeatureType.CATEGORICAL) class JensenShannonDistance(Method): """Calculates Jensen-Shannon distance. By default an alert will be raised if `distance > 0.1`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='Jensen-Shannon distance', column_name='jensen_shannon', lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='Jensen-Shannon distance' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='jensen-shannon' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._treat_as_type: str self._bins: np.ndarray self._reference_proba_in_bins: np.ndarray def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None): reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) if _column_is_categorical(reference_data): treat_as_type = 'cat' else: n_unique_values = len(np.unique(reference_data)) len_reference = len(reference_data) if n_unique_values > 50 or n_unique_values / len_reference > 0.1: treat_as_type = 'cont' else: treat_as_type = 'cat' if treat_as_type == 'cont': bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(reference_data, bins='doane') reference_proba_in_bins = np.histogram(reference_data, bins=bins)[0] / len_reference self._bins = bins self._reference_proba_in_bins = reference_proba_in_bins else: reference_unique, reference_counts = np.unique(reference_data, return_counts=True) reference_proba_per_unique = reference_counts / len(reference_data) self._bins = reference_unique self._reference_proba_in_bins = reference_proba_per_unique self._treat_as_type = treat_as_type return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): reference_proba_in_bins = copy(self._reference_proba_in_bins) data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan if self._treat_as_type == 'cont': len_data = len(data) data_proba_in_bins = np.histogram(data, bins=self._bins)[0] / len_data else: data_unique, data_counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True) data_counts_dic = dict(zip(data_unique, data_counts)) data_count_on_ref_bins = [data_counts_dic[key] if key in data_counts_dic else 0 for key in self._bins] data_proba_in_bins = np.array(data_count_on_ref_bins) / len(data) leftover = 1 - np.sum(data_proba_in_bins) if leftover > 0: data_proba_in_bins = np.append(data_proba_in_bins, leftover) reference_proba_in_bins = np.append(reference_proba_in_bins, 0) distance = jensenshannon(reference_proba_in_bins, data_proba_in_bins, base=2) del reference_proba_in_bins return distance
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='kolmogorov_smirnov', feature_type=FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) class KolmogorovSmirnovStatistic(Method): """Calculates the Kolmogorov-Smirnov d-stat. An alert will be raised for a Chunk if `p_value < 0.05`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic', column_name='kolmogorov_smirnov', upper_threshold_limit=1, lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='kolmogorov-smirnov' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. upper_threshold_limit : float, default=1.0 An optional upper threshold for the performance metric. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._reference_data: Optional[pd.Series] = None self._reference_size: float self._qts: np.ndarray self._ref_rel_freqs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self._fitted = False if ( (not kwargs) or ('computation_params' not in kwargs) or (self.column_name not in kwargs['computation_params']) ): self.calculation_method = 'auto' self.n_bins = 10_000 else: self.calculation_method = kwargs['computation_params'].get('calculation_method', 'auto') self.n_bins = kwargs['computation_params'].get('n_bins', 10_000) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) if (self.calculation_method == 'auto' and len(reference_data) < 10_000) or self.calculation_method == 'exact': self._reference_data = reference_data else: quantile_range = np.linspace(np.min(reference_data), np.max(reference_data), self.n_bins + 1) # quantile_edges = np.quantile(reference_data, quantile_range) reference_proba_in_qts, self._qts = np.histogram(reference_data, quantile_range) ref_rel_freqs = reference_proba_in_qts / len(reference_data) self._ref_rel_freqs = np.cumsum(ref_rel_freqs) self._reference_size = len(reference_data) self._fitted = True return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan if not self._fitted: raise NotFittedException( "tried to call 'calculate' on an unfitted method " f"{self.display_name}. Please run 'fit' first" ) if ( self.calculation_method == 'auto' and self._reference_size >= 10_000 ) or self.calculation_method == 'estimated': m, n = sorted([float(self._reference_size), float(len(data))], reverse=True) chunk_proba_in_qts, _ = np.histogram(data, self._qts) chunk_rel_freqs = chunk_proba_in_qts / len(data) rel_freq_lower_than_edges = len(data[data < self._qts[0]]) / len(data) chunk_rel_freqs = rel_freq_lower_than_edges + np.cumsum(chunk_rel_freqs) stat = np.max(abs(self._ref_rel_freqs - chunk_rel_freqs)) else: stat, _ = ks_2samp(self._reference_data, data) return stat
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='chi2', feature_type=FeatureType.CATEGORICAL) class Chi2Statistic(Method): """Calculates the Chi2-contingency statistic. An alert will be raised for a Chunk if `p_value < 0.05`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='Chi2 statistic', column_name='chi2', upper_threshold_limit=1.0, lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='Chi2 statistic' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='chi2' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. upper_threshold_limit : float, default=1.0 An optional upper threshold for the performance metric. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._reference_data_vcs: pd.Series self._p_value: float self._fitted = False
[docs] def fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: super().fit(reference_data, timestamps) # Thresholding is based on p-values. Ignoring all custom thresholding and disable plotting a threshold self.lower_threshold_value = None self.upper_threshold_value = None return self
def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) self._reference_data_vcs = reference_data.value_counts().loc[lambda v: v != 0] self._fitted = True return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan if not self._fitted: raise NotFittedException( "tried to call 'calculate' on an unfitted method " f"{self.display_name}. Please run 'fit' first" ) stat, self._p_value = self._calc_chi2(data) return stat
[docs] def alert(self, value: float): return self._p_value < 0.05
def _calc_chi2(self, data: pd.Series): value_counts = data.value_counts().loc[lambda v: v != 0] stat, p_value, _, _ = chi2_contingency( pd.concat( [self._reference_data_vcs, value_counts], axis=1, ).fillna(0) ) return stat, p_value
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='l_infinity', feature_type=FeatureType.CATEGORICAL) class LInfinityDistance(Method): """Calculates the L-Infinity Distance. An alert will be raised if `distance > 0.1`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='L-Infinity distance', column_name='l_infinity', lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='L-Infinity distance' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='l_infinity' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._reference_proba: Optional[pd.Series] = None def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) self._reference_proba = reference_data.value_counts(normalize=True) return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): if self._reference_proba is None: raise NotFittedException( "tried to call 'calculate' on an unfitted method " f"{self.display_name}. Please run 'fit' first" ) data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan analysis_data_ratio = data.value_counts(normalize=True) return self._reference_proba.sub(analysis_data_ratio, fill_value=0).abs().max()
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='wasserstein', feature_type=FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) class WassersteinDistance(Method): """Calculates the Wasserstein Distance between two distributions. An alert will be raised for a Chunk if . """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='Wasserstein distance', column_name='wasserstein', lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='Wasserstein distance' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='wasserstein' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._reference_data: Optional[pd.Series] = None self._reference_size: float self._bin_width: float self._bin_edges: np.ndarray self._ref_rel_freqs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self._fitted = False if ( (not kwargs) or ('computation_params' not in kwargs) or (self.column_name not in kwargs['computation_params']) ): self.calculation_method = 'auto' self.n_bins = 10_000 else: self.calculation_method = kwargs['computation_params'].get('calculation_method', 'auto') self.n_bins = kwargs['computation_params'].get('n_bins', 10_000) def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) if (self.calculation_method == 'auto' and len(reference_data) < 10_000) or self.calculation_method == 'exact': self._reference_data = reference_data else: reference_proba_in_bins, self._bin_edges = np.histogram(reference_data, bins=self.n_bins) self._ref_rel_freqs = reference_proba_in_bins / len(reference_data) self._bin_width = self._bin_edges[1] - self._bin_edges[0] self._fitted = True self._reference_size = len(reference_data) return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): if not self._fitted: raise NotFittedException( "tried to call 'calculate' on an unfitted method " f"{self.display_name}. Please run 'fit' first" ) data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan if ( self.calculation_method == 'auto' and self._reference_size >= 10_000 ) or self.calculation_method == 'estimated': min_chunk = np.min(data) if min_chunk < self._bin_edges[0]: extra_bins_left = (min_chunk - self._bin_edges[0]) / self._bin_width extra_bins_left = np.ceil(extra_bins_left) else: extra_bins_left = 0 max_chunk = np.max(data) if max_chunk > self._bin_edges[-1]: extra_bins_right = (max_chunk - self._bin_edges[-1]) / self._bin_width extra_bins_right = np.ceil(extra_bins_right) else: extra_bins_right = 0 left_edges_to_prepand = np.arange( min_chunk - self._bin_width, self._bin_edges[0] - self._bin_width, self._bin_width ) right_edges_to_append = np.arange( self._bin_edges[-1] + self._bin_width, max_chunk + self._bin_width, self._bin_width ) updated_edges = np.concatenate([left_edges_to_prepand, self._bin_edges, right_edges_to_append]) updated_ref_binned_pdf = np.concatenate( [np.zeros(len(left_edges_to_prepand)), self._ref_rel_freqs, np.zeros(len(right_edges_to_append))] ) chunk_histogram, _ = np.histogram(data, bins=updated_edges) chunk_binned_pdf = chunk_histogram / len(data) ref_binned_cdf = np.cumsum(updated_ref_binned_pdf) chunk_binned_cdf = np.cumsum(chunk_binned_pdf) distance = np.sum(np.abs(ref_binned_cdf - chunk_binned_cdf) * self._bin_width) else: distance = wasserstein_distance(self._reference_data, data) return distance
[docs]@MethodFactory.register(key='hellinger', feature_type=FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) @MethodFactory.register(key='hellinger', feature_type=FeatureType.CATEGORICAL) class HellingerDistance(Method): """Calculates the Hellinger Distance between two distributions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__( display_name='Hellinger distance', column_name='hellinger', lower_threshold_limit=0, **kwargs, ) """ Parameters ---------- display_name : str, default='Hellinger distance' The name of the metric. Used to display in plots. column_name: str, default='hellinger' The name used to indicate the metric in columns of a DataFrame. lower_threshold_limit : float, default=0 An optional lower threshold for the performance metric. """ self._treat_as_type: str self._bins: np.ndarray self._reference_proba_in_bins: np.ndarray def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.Series, timestamps: Optional[pd.Series] = None) -> Self: reference_data = _remove_nans(reference_data) if _column_is_categorical(reference_data): treat_as_type = 'cat' else: n_unique_values = len(np.unique(reference_data)) len_reference = len(reference_data) if n_unique_values > 50 or n_unique_values / len_reference > 0.1: treat_as_type = 'cont' else: treat_as_type = 'cat' if treat_as_type == 'cont': bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(reference_data, bins='doane') reference_proba_in_bins = np.histogram(reference_data, bins=bins)[0] / len_reference self._bins = bins self._reference_proba_in_bins = reference_proba_in_bins else: reference_unique, reference_counts = np.unique(reference_data, return_counts=True) reference_proba_per_unique = reference_counts / len(reference_data) self._bins = reference_unique self._reference_proba_in_bins = reference_proba_per_unique self._treat_as_type = treat_as_type return self def _calculate(self, data: pd.Series): data = _remove_nans(data) if data.empty: return np.nan reference_proba_in_bins = copy(self._reference_proba_in_bins) if self._treat_as_type == 'cont': len_data = len(data) data_proba_in_bins = np.histogram(data, bins=self._bins)[0] / len_data else: data_unique, data_counts = np.unique(data, return_counts=True) data_counts_dic = dict(zip(data_unique, data_counts)) data_count_on_ref_bins = [data_counts_dic[key] if key in data_counts_dic else 0 for key in self._bins] data_proba_in_bins = np.array(data_count_on_ref_bins) / len(data) leftover = 1 - np.sum(data_proba_in_bins) if leftover > 0: data_proba_in_bins = np.append(data_proba_in_bins, leftover) reference_proba_in_bins = np.append(reference_proba_in_bins, 0) distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sqrt(reference_proba_in_bins) - np.sqrt(data_proba_in_bins)) ** 2)) / np.sqrt(2) del reference_proba_in_bins return distance