Source code for nannyml.performance_calculation.metrics.multiclass_classification

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  #
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0

#  Author:   Niels Nuyttens  <>
#  License: Apache Software License 2.0

"""Module containing metric utilities and implementations."""
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union  # noqa: TYP001

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import (
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer, label_binarize

from nannyml._typing import ProblemType, class_labels, model_output_column_names
from nannyml.base import _list_missing, _remove_nans
from nannyml.chunk import Chunker
from nannyml.exceptions import InvalidArgumentsException
from nannyml.performance_calculation.metrics.base import Metric, MetricFactory
from nannyml.sampling_error.multiclass_classification import (
from nannyml.thresholds import Threshold, calculate_threshold_values

[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='roc_auc', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationAUROC(Metric): """Area under Receiver Operating Curve metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new AUROC instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='roc_auc', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("ROC AUC", "roc_auc")], ) # FIXME: Should we check the y_pred_proba argument here to ensure it's a dict? self.y_pred_proba: Dict[str, str] # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: List[Tuple] = [] def __str__(self): return "roc_auc" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], list(reference_data.columns)) # sampling error classes = class_labels(self.y_pred_proba) binarized_y_true = list(label_binarize(reference_data[self.y_true], classes=classes).T) y_pred_proba = [reference_data[self.y_pred_proba[clazz]].T for clazz in classes] self._sampling_error_components = auroc_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_proba_reference=y_pred_proba ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.y_pred_proba, Dict): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"'y_pred_proba' is of type {type(self.y_pred_proba)}\n" f"multiclass use cases require 'y_pred_proba' to " "be a dictionary mapping classes to columns." ) _list_missing([self.y_true] + model_output_column_names(self.y_pred_proba), data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred_proba.values())) labels, class_probability_columns = [], [] for label in sorted(list(self.y_pred_proba.keys())): labels.append(label) class_probability_columns.append(self.y_pred_proba[label]) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred_proba = data[class_probability_columns] if y_pred_proba.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class for chunk, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. " "Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred_proba, multi_class='ovr', average='macro', labels=labels) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return auroc_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='f1', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationF1(Metric): """F1 score metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new F1 instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='f1', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("F1", "f1")], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: List[Tuple] = [] def __str__(self): return "f1" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) # sampling error label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() binarized_y_true = list(label_binarizer.fit_transform(reference_data[self.y_true]).T) binarized_y_pred = list(label_binarizer.transform(reference_data[self.y_pred]).T) self._sampling_error_components = f1_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_reference=binarized_y_pred ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.y_pred_proba, Dict): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"'y_pred_proba' is of type {type(self.y_pred_proba)}\n" f"multiclass use cases require 'y_pred_proba' to " "be a dictionary mapping classes to columns." ) _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) labels = sorted(list(self.y_pred_proba.keys())) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return f1_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='precision', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationPrecision(Metric): """Precision metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Precision instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='precision', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("Precision", "precision")], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: List[Tuple] = [] def __str__(self): return "precision" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) # sampling error label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() binarized_y_true = list(label_binarizer.fit_transform(reference_data[self.y_true]).T) binarized_y_pred = list(label_binarizer.transform(reference_data[self.y_pred]).T) self._sampling_error_components = precision_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_reference=binarized_y_pred ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.y_pred_proba, Dict): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"'y_pred_proba' is of type {type(self.y_pred_proba)}\n" f"multiclass use cases require 'y_pred_proba' to " "be a dictionary mapping classes to columns." ) _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) labels = sorted(list(self.y_pred_proba.keys())) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return precision_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='recall', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationRecall(Metric): """Recall metric, also known as 'sensitivity'.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Recall instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='recall', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("Recall", "recall")], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: List[Tuple] = [] def __str__(self): return "recall" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) # sampling error label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() binarized_y_true = list(label_binarizer.fit_transform(reference_data[self.y_true]).T) binarized_y_pred = list(label_binarizer.transform(reference_data[self.y_pred]).T) self._sampling_error_components = recall_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_reference=binarized_y_pred ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.y_pred_proba, Dict): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"'y_pred_proba' is of type {type(self.y_pred_proba)}\n" f"multiclass use cases require 'y_pred_proba' to " "be a dictionary mapping classes to columns." ) _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) labels = sorted(list(self.y_pred_proba.keys())) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: " "prediction column contains no data" ) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: return recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='macro', labels=labels) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return recall_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='specificity', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationSpecificity(Metric): """Specificity metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Specificity instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='specificity', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("Specificity", "specificity")], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: List[Tuple] = [] def __str__(self): return "specificity" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) # sampling error label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() binarized_y_true = list(label_binarizer.fit_transform(reference_data[self.y_true]).T) binarized_y_pred = list(label_binarizer.transform(reference_data[self.y_pred]).T) self._sampling_error_components = specificity_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_reference=binarized_y_pred ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): if not isinstance(self.y_pred_proba, Dict): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"'y_pred_proba' is of type {type(self.y_pred_proba)}\n" f"multiclass use cases require 'y_pred_proba' to " "be a dictionary mapping classes to columns." ) _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) labels = sorted(list(self.y_pred_proba.keys())) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: prediction column contains no data" ) if y_true.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_true}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN elif y_pred.nunique() <= 1: warnings.warn( f"'{self.y_pred}' only contains a single class, cannot calculate {self.display_name}. Returning NaN." ) return np.NaN else: MCM = multilabel_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=labels) tn_sum = MCM[:, 0, 0] fp_sum = MCM[:, 0, 1] class_wise_specificity = tn_sum / (tn_sum + fp_sum) return np.mean(class_wise_specificity) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return specificity_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register(metric='accuracy', use_case=ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationAccuracy(Metric): """Accuracy metric.""" def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new Accuracy instance. Parameters ---------- y_true: str The name of the column containing target values. y_pred: str The name of the column containing your model predictions. threshold: Threshold The Threshold instance that determines how the lower and upper threshold values will be calculated. y_pred_proba: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] Name(s) of the column(s) containing your model output. - For binary classification, pass a single string refering to the model output column. - For multiclass classification, pass a dictionary that maps a class string to the column name \ containing model outputs for that class. """ super().__init__( name='accuracy', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, lower_threshold_limit=0, upper_threshold_limit=1, components=[("Accuracy", "accuracy")], ) # sampling error self._sampling_error_components: Tuple = () def __str__(self): return "accuracy" def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) # sampling error label_binarizer = LabelBinarizer() binarized_y_true = label_binarizer.fit_transform(reference_data[self.y_true]) binarized_y_pred = label_binarizer.transform(reference_data[self.y_pred]) self._sampling_error_components = accuracy_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=binarized_y_true, y_pred_reference=binarized_y_pred ) def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) data = _remove_nans(data, (self.y_true, self.y_pred)) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric '{self.display_name}': " "prediction column contains no data" ) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): warnings.warn("Calculated Accuracy score contains NaN values.") return np.nan else: return accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) def _sampling_error(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> float: return accuracy_sampling_error(self._sampling_error_components, data)
[docs]@MetricFactory.register('confusion_matrix', ProblemType.CLASSIFICATION_MULTICLASS) class MulticlassClassificationConfusionMatrix(Metric): def __init__( self, y_true: str, y_pred: str, threshold: Threshold, y_pred_proba: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None, normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Creates a new confusion matrix instance.""" super().__init__( name='confusion_matrix', y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, threshold=threshold, y_pred_proba=y_pred_proba, components=[("None", "none")], lower_threshold_limit=0, ) self.normalize_confusion_matrix: Optional[str] = normalize_confusion_matrix self.upper_threshold_value_limit: Optional[float] = 1.0 if normalize_confusion_matrix else None self.classes: Optional[List[str]] = None def __str__(self): return "confusion_matrix"
[docs] def fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame, chunker: Chunker): # _fit # realized perf on chunks # set thresholds self._fit(reference_data) reference_chunks = chunker.split(reference_data) reference_chunk_results = np.asarray([self._calculate( for chunk in reference_chunks]) self.alert_thresholds = self._multiclass_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( reference_chunk_results=reference_chunk_results, )
def _multiclass_confusion_matrix_alert_thresholds( self, reference_chunk_results: np.ndarray, ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]]: """Calculate the alert thresholds for the confusion matrix. Args: reference_chunk_results: The confusion matrix for each chunk of the reference data. Returns: The alert thresholds for the confusion matrix. """ alert_thresholds = {} if self.classes is None: raise ValueError("classes must be set before calling this method") num_classes = len(self.classes) for i in range(num_classes): for j in range(num_classes): lower_threshold_value, upper_threshold_value = calculate_threshold_values( threshold=self.threshold, data=reference_chunk_results[:, i, j], lower_threshold_value_limit=self.lower_threshold_value_limit, upper_threshold_value_limit=self.upper_threshold_value_limit, ) alert_thresholds[f'true_{self.classes[i]}_pred_{self.classes[j]}'] = ( lower_threshold_value, upper_threshold_value, ) return alert_thresholds def _fit(self, reference_data: pd.DataFrame): _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], reference_data) self.sampling_error_components = multiclass_confusion_matrix_sampling_error_components( y_true_reference=reference_data[self.y_true], y_pred_reference=reference_data[self.y_pred], normalize_confusion_matrix=self.normalize_confusion_matrix, ) self.classes = sorted(reference_data[self.y_true].unique()) self.components = self._get_components(self.classes) def _get_components(self, classes: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: components = [] for true_class in classes: for pred_class in classes: components.append( ( f"true class: '{true_class}', predicted class: '{pred_class}'", f'true_{true_class}_pred_{pred_class}', ) ) return components def _calculate(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> Union[np.ndarray, float]: _list_missing([self.y_true, self.y_pred], data) y_true = data[self.y_true] y_pred = data[self.y_pred] if y_pred.isna().all().any(): raise InvalidArgumentsException( f"could not calculate metric {self.display_name}: prediction column contains no data" ) if (y_true.nunique() <= 1) or (y_pred.nunique() <= 1): return np.nan else: cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=self.classes, normalize=self.normalize_confusion_matrix) return cm
[docs] def get_chunk_record(self, chunk_data: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict[str, Union[float, bool]]: if self.classes is None: raise ValueError("classes must be set before calling this method") sampling_errors = multiclass_confusion_matrix_sampling_error(self.sampling_error_components, chunk_data) realized_cm = self._calculate(chunk_data) if isinstance(realized_cm, float): realized_cm = np.full((len(self.classes), len(self.classes)), np.nan) chunk_record = {} for true_class in self.classes: for pred_class in self.classes: column_name = f'true_{true_class}_pred_{pred_class}' chunk_record[f"{column_name}_sampling_error"] = sampling_errors[ self.classes.index(true_class), self.classes.index(pred_class) ] chunk_record[f"{column_name}"] = realized_cm[ self.classes.index(true_class), self.classes.index(pred_class) ] lower_threshold, upper_threshold = self.alert_thresholds[f"true_{true_class}_pred_{pred_class}"] chunk_record[f"{column_name}_upper_threshold"] = upper_threshold chunk_record[f"{column_name}_lower_threshold"] = lower_threshold chunk_record[f"{column_name}_alert"] = ( self.alert_thresholds is not None and (chunk_record[f"{column_name}"] < lower_threshold) ) or (self.alert_thresholds is not None and (chunk_record[f"{column_name}"] > upper_threshold)) return chunk_record